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Lost in all the marketing jargon? Find definitions for common email and digital marketing terms and learn more with our related resources.

A/B testing

A/B testing is a technique to compare results between two versions of something, which could be website design, app layouts, or marketing emails. In A/B tests, one element is altered between both versions – like a differently placed CTA or new color palette. These tests help designers and developers compare which design will perform better based on real statistics.

Ad network

An ad network is an online platform that serves as a go-between for publishers and advertisers and maintains an online advertising inventory made of ad posts. Ad network companies compile these available ad supplies from publishers and then offer those to advertisers at a heavily discounted price. This helps small advertisers reach more customers.


Advertising is a form of communication with potential and existing customers that seeks to convince them to purchase a product or service. This could be through print media, television commercials, email marketing, online promotions, and more. While each differs in format, they all aim to persuade consumers to take action.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing consists of people outside a company promoting that company’s products or services and earning a commission with each sale. Commission is earned through: pay-per-sale, pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-install. Because it pays per transaction, affiliates require less upfront cost, so companies can spend money on other vital projects. Affiliate links compile sales figures from website to website, seamlessly earning money for affiliate marketers.